Sparkie & Ceres
TheSparkofRevolution & CereselCosplay
We are Tabatha (thesparkofrevolution) and Mariam (CereselCosplay), a cosplay duo based in the United Kingdom.
Our focus is on the promotion of diversity within the cosplay community at all levels. As minority cosplayers ourselves, we (like many others in the community) are growing tired of seeing the same thing in every conventions guest lineup. We run diversity panels and discussions at conventions (see our video archive for more), and we have experience as guests, judges and masquerade hosts (more on that here).
We have been attending and panelling at conventions across the world (from the UK and Europe to America and Japan) for over 15 years. We can run a variety of panels including but not limited to:
Cosplay how-to panels for beginners
Diversity Panels
Mythology & Ancient History panels
Astrophysics & Astronomy panels.
Further information on these panels can be found here.
We are well well acquainted with the cosplay community, moderating a number of UK based cosplay groups, as well as regular meet up and shoot runners both inside and outside of conventions. We have experience with competition; Tabatha has come runner up for the C4 qualifier at MCM, and Mariam was a participant on the BBC’s Stitch, Please! programme in 2022. As such, we can bring valuable insight to the cosplay aspect of your event.
For more information about the various ways in which we can work with you, click here .